Olive Leaf Extract Research (2018-2019)

Olive Leaf Extract
Olive leaf extract is sold in grocery stores, pharmacies and specialty health food stores world wide. The health advantages of the oil have been favorably reviewed in various studies at the U.S. National Institutes of Health and other institutions. Availability of the oil has been somewhat limited by the cost of production. A one ounce bottle of whole leaf olive extract costs $13.99 at retail.
The Florida Olive Council and Lykes Brothers Corporation are supporting research at the USDA Ft. Pierce lab to determine if olive leaf extract can be a profitable crop in Florida. Most olive cultivars do not bloom and fruit well in southern Florida do to a lack of chill hours. However, olive cultivars such as Arbequina or Koroneiki are aggressive growers and can develop large canopies in warm south Florida climate. These olive trees can grow to 25 feet and can be 12-15 feet in diameter at the bottom.
The olive leaf extract project is in very early stages. An agreement between Florida Olive Council and USDA has been signed and the equipment was delivered to the Ft. Pierce lab in Summer 2018. After the equipment is set up, tested and completed experiments on citrus; the researchers will look at olive leaf. Below is an overview of the work by Dr. Dorado and her colleagues.
We need your help.
The Florida Olive Council is a non-profit organization certified under Federal tax code 501(c)(3) and Florida statutes Chapter 617. We are supported by your contributions. Ninety-five (95%) of your donation goes directly to supporting olive research. Our directors and officers receive no salary or other compensation. Donate