Statewide Olive Grower Survey

r-l Tomas Muller Pollmann, Florida Olive Council Research Manager Interviews Florida Olive Grower Stuart Alfonso
During the summer of 2017 and 2018, the Florida Olive Council in cooperation with UF-IFAS Department of Horticulture conducted the first ever olive survey in Florida. From a cohort of approximately 80 plantations, 30 groves were selected as the research group. During July and August 2017, Tomas Mueller Pollmann visited and documented each grove. Detailed data (varieties, age of trees, pests, irrigation, cultivation practices, fruiting, etc.) and geolocation were recorded in the Florida Olive Council database. In addition, leaf tissue and soil samples were collected at each grove, analyzed and recorded in the database. The data collection continues in 2018.
We need your help.
The Florida Olive Council is a non-profit organization certified under Federal tax code 501(c)(3) and Florida statutes Chapter 617. We are supported by your contributions. Ninety-five (95%) of your donation goes directly to supporting olive research. Our directors and officers receive no salary or other compensation. Donate